The United Reformed Church (URC)’s has curated the ecumenical service of worship for Fairtrade Fortnight (22 February to 7 March), in collaboration with other Christian organisations this year. This is part of a series of digital events for Fairtrade Foundation’s “Choose the World You Want” festival, which focuses on how the climate crisis is affecting the future of food and its producers.
Farmers bear the brunt of the climate emergency despite contributing the least to it, and the rate of climate change is outpacing their ability to mitigate its effects. Fairtrade’s mission is to connect disadvantaged farmers and workers with consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower farmers and workers with more autonomy over their lives.
The festival will be organised online for the first time this year, featuring panel discussions, performances and workshops involving farmers in the developing world.
Download the service at:
Image caption: Claudio Morales Machado picking a coffee plant in San Miguel del Faique, Peru. Credit: Eduardo Martino/Fairtrade