Two new partners join CWM PIM programme in 2024

by Jason Woo

The Council for World Mission (CWM) warmly welcomes two new members joining the Partners in Mission (PIM) programme.

The new partners bring with them a wealth of experience in helping PIM establish life-flourishing communities around them.

Joining in January 2024 was Prof. Disraeli Hutton, who will be serving at the International University of the Caribbean as dean for Graduate Studies, Research, and Consultancy.

Hutton has a wealth of experience in academia which is well-suited for this PIM partnership intended to aid the university in accomplishing its vision of academic excellence, peace-building, and community development.

As the Dean, Hutton will have teaching and research responsibilities, as well as administrative duties. Hutton will be responsible for educational and research activities of the academic faculties and oversight of the university’s research portfolio with a focus on the administration of graduate and postgraduate research.

Commencing his service in April 2024 will be Jacob Zikuli who joins The Tangintebu Theological College in the capacity of Project and Policy Manager, bringing with him project implementation and management skills essential in working with the college to implement and drive initiatives with the intent to restructure the college to a level that matches regional and international standards in a rapidly changing academic landscape.

The PIM programme would like to thank the Caribbean and North America Council for Mission and the United Church in the Solomon Islands for their support in sharing their human capital and skills with the wider CWM communities.

“The Partners in Mission programme aims to foster ecumenical and collaborative work among CWM member churches and partner organizations. Our goal is to enable life-flourishing communities by sharing resources, people, and skills as partners in God’s mission, both globally and locally,” said Rev. Sim Joo Yee, CWM Mission Secretary for Mission Programme and Partnership, East Asia and South Asia.

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