Sixth Sunday of Easter
Scripture: John 5:1-9
The verse I want to draw your attention to in our reading today is verse 8, where Jesus said to the lame man by the pool, “Get up, pick up your mat and walk.” This morning I read the newspaper and watched on television how helpless many in our world have become. Our world is battered with war, sickness, poverty, and the lack of peace. John 5:8 speak differently to how Jesus had mercy on the sick, healing him of his condition. We, as followers of Christ must imitate Jesus and stand by the people in their hours of need.
How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news (Romans 10:15). My experience of Fiji, New Zealand, and South Korea is somewhat different during TIM2019. I only knew mission from my context. But TIM helped change my life now that I can apply some of the things I learn in my community. I understand many have contributed to the leadership formation and faith of my own preachers and teachers at home. The vastness of issues covered in this programme include cultural issues, social issues, theological challenges, mission in context, gendering God, global socio-political issues, global empirical structures, Kingdom of God on earth, faith and work, interfaith dialogue, missional issues, and transformative life.
In addition, my communication skills improved. I was able to communicate and made friends with people from other cultures and learning about their cultures too. I believe this programme is very meaningful and help develop a certain mindset.
Finally thanks to CWM for giving me the opportunity to join TIM2019. This programme has really transformed me. I have gained a lot of knowledge through this programme. Many of what I’ve learned I am now applying in my ministry.
-Sumon Mondol, Church of Bangladesh
In every village, towns, cities, remove all that divides us and bring true harmony to our countries. We pray for skilled and unskilled workers, those in the agricultural sector, for those who defend our countries, for teachers, students, scientists, artists, and writers, and for all who influence the minds and hearts of many. We pray for the suffering, the poor, the hungry, the destitute and oppressed, the unemployment, the sick and the dying, and also for our governments. We also pray for the unity of all Christians in becoming witnesses of yours in this world. We pray for the church leaders, and your church. Amen.