Sundays with CWM (10 Oct): Be glad all our days

by CWM Communications Team

Psalm 90:12-17

2020 was a harsh year as the world battled the mutating COVID-19 virus and rushed to get a cure by a vaccine. The coronavirus may still be around us and may break out again to resurface another pandemic! This psalm reminds us to “number our days” and be wise in the mind and heart!

In March 2020, Clay Bentley from Rome, Georgia, USA was down with this coronavirus whereby doctors were giving him a deteriorating diagnosis. He and his wife, Suzy and their church never gave up on prayers. After 12 days of hospitalisation, he felt he was dying when God intervened; he “felt God’s breath blow into my lungs.” He was totally restored back to health. Such is the Lord’s compassion and unfailing love in the midst of troubles. God is still present – yesterday, today and tomorrow!

As we love Him and keep His commandments, He will be faithful. (Deuteronomy 7:9). So, let us not relent in our prayers. The psalmist continues to request God to replace all the days and years of their affliction with joy and gladness. Are we in a state of celebration whereby we are “glad all our days”? As we approach our daily routine and tasks in our places of work or homes, are we having joy and peace in our hearts? Are we anxious and depressed? Downtrodden by people in authority and power? Obnoxious in our workplaces? These negativities in life will dull our five senses of taste, touch, feel, sight and smell which will ultimately deprive us of joy and gladness of life – a flourishing life!

Philippians 4:4 resonates together with Psalm 90 the need to rejoice in the Lord always by prayers and petitions to God who will transcend all understanding and guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Joy is inner contentment and satisfaction even in difficult situations. Lastly, the psalmist asks God to appreciate the “work of our hands” in resting favor upon them, making them successful in all their undertakings. Any appreciation will bring joy to the heart, that we can “be glad all our days.”

-Leong Yim Fong, Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia


Generous God, grant us your favour through your grace and mercy. Lift us out of our misery, anxiety, unhappiness, discontentment,  and selfish tendencies. Teach us humility and true agape that we can love others as you have loved us. May we find joy and gladness as we walk your way of full and abundant life for all. Amen!

Prayer Points

United Church in Solomon Islands

 The United Church in Solomon Islands is a youthful church. Young people make up a significant percentage of the church’s population. The church has derived its mission strategies with children and youth based on its theme, “Investing in Children and Youth”, for more than two decades. It is our sincere desire and prayer to help children and youth understand that God has created them to be equal partners with us in transforming lives in the world.

Pray that the opportunity will serve to encourage and empower our young generation to be true worshippers as God desired them to be.

Pray and declare God’s wisdom bestowed in them that they are not to live a careless life but live wisely to help fight against COVID-19.

Pray for more opportunities that will empower our young generation to fully realise their talents, skills and potentials to drive the church’s mission forward, creating a saved, safe church for all.

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