Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) provides translation services for medical mission to Ukraine

by CWM Communications Team

Taiwan’s MacKay Medical Mission sent a team of medical personnel to Ukraine earlier this year, making it the first team from Asia to provide voluntary medical assistance on site since the Ukrainian-Russian conflict began. The team of medical staff members conducted medical clinics at mobile local stations, performed surgeries, demonstrated surgical equipment in hospitals, and executed medical treatment in Mukachevo, Ukraine. In addition, they also provided health education training for personnel going to the frontline and post-traumatic counselling and treatment. The trip enabled them to evaluate local medical needs, and plan long-term medical support, as continuity is crucial for those suffering during, as well as for post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

The mission was organized by the MacKay Memorial Hospital in collaboration with the Taiwan Christian Medical Association and the North America Branch of Chinese Christian Medical Mission, and supported by The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) which provided translation services and material supplies. Prior to this, PCT had donated a new hospital bed to Ukraine, and Secretary of PCT Church and Society Committee Rev. Lin Wei-lien pledged to cooperate with more international relief organisations for Ukraine aid.

Image by MacKay Memorial Hospital

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