As the shackles of slavery fall away into history, the legacy of such practices endures as the modern theological world continues to grapple with the lingering impact of such a life-denying practice—an impact still supported by oppressive systems of authority such as patriarchy, empire, religion, market, caste, and prejudice, among others.
Be part of a gathering of minds as DARE 2025 invites activists, practitioners, students, and scholars to propose papers for the upcoming DARE forum entitled “Aftermath: Beyond Liberation.”
The event will be held in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 27-31 January 2025.
The CWM Discernment and Radical Engagement (DARE) forum is a radical interdisciplinary, inter-religious, and affective platform that not only keeps abreast of shifts in academic trends, but also transcends those trends to root the spirit of DARE in praxes, pedagogies, and theories of struggles for liberation, decolonization, and counter-imperial testimonies.
Call for Papers
We invite proposals for presentations in these six areas:
1. Legacies of slavery
2. Modern day slavery
3. Education for Liberation
4. Transformative Ecumenism
5. Intereligiosities, Racisms and Anti-Imperial Struggles
6. Queer Theologies and Spiritualities
To propose a presentation, please fill in the requested information on this form, and submit it in MS word/doc format to by 14 June 2024.