CWM Sunday worship resources are now available

by CWM Communications Team

To mark and celebrate CWM Sunday (July 18), CWM has produced worship materials which is offered as a liturgical invitation into CWM’s newly adopted theology and mission strategy. We have also provided three accompanying videos where you can find brief comments on the key texts and images for the service. These are brought to us by three Doctoral studies students under CWM’s Special Academic Accompaniment Programme (SAAP): Shingi Masunga (Africa Region), Alex Clare Young (Europe Region) and Inatoli Aye (South Asia Region).

Each voice will bring their fresh perspective, and insights and we invite you to make use of them as you see fit. We have also left space within the litany for music, to be chosen according to your respective contexts.

We hope you can find ways to incorporate these materials into meaningful worship at any time and trust they will provide a place of encounter with the rising Son of God so that we can be moved by the Spirit of His uprising presence.

Click the icons below to view and download:

Reflection by Shingi Masunga (Africa Region)


Reflection by Alex Clare Young

Reflection by Inatoli Aye


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