Around 20 Partners-in-Mission (PIMs), Council for World Mission (CWM) Moderator Rev. Lydia Neshangwe and staff attended a virtual gathering on 24 November, which was a platform for the PIMs to share about their work, challenges, and joys to encourage one another and find renewed strength on their journeys as mission partners.
CWM Mission Secretary – Mission Programme & Partnership Rev. Julie Sim gave the Opening Prayer, followed by a message by the CWM General Secretary Rev. Dr Jooseop Keum where he expressed his heartfelt appreciation for their “passionate commitment, relentless efforts and selfless sacrifice” to serve God and the communities. He affirmed that PIMs embody the key missional identity of CWM in sharing their spiritual gifts and missional solidarity and contributing to fulfilling missional needs of CWM member churches and ecumenical partners.
Expressing that the PIM programme is the longest-running CWM programme, Dr Sudipta Singh – Deputy General Secretary, Programmes delivered a succinct presentation to introduce CWM’s new programmatic agenda, ongoing programmes, staffing and structure.
The next programme segment saw the PIMs contribute their stories and bond over common experiences, while finding opportunities of learning. Adaptation to cross-cultural differences was a familiar thread running through the sharing session where each PIM provided a window to their respective mission fields. The event offered them a safe space to share their reflections, and many spoke candidly about issues arising from their service. They delved into the lessons they learnt in their spiritual journeys and encouraged one another with testimonies of God’s provision and faithfulness as they were welcomed by and served the needs of their receiving churches and congregations.
Subsequently, CWM Moderator Rev. Lydia Neshangwe recognised their obedience to God’s call to serve in their mission fields – grassroots, churches, communities – and encouraged them to be strong and courageous as the Lord is with them (Deuteronomy 31:6). Affirming their importance as the “core business” of CWM, she said that they are continuing the key work of CWM’s forebear London Missionary Society (LMS) in going forth to serve and bring in His people.
Finally, Rev. Sim, CWM Mission Secretary – Mission Programme & Partnership, & East Asia & South Asia regions, concluded the event with a prayer of blessing for the PIMs (Isaiah 52:7).
Dated 26 November 2022.