CWM missionaries, past and present, celebrated at annual gathering in London

by Cheon Young Cheol

The London office of the Council for World Mission (CWM) hosted 26 visitors for the CWM Annual Missionary Gathering on 28 August. Participants included former missionaries, church leaders, and representatives from the CWM Europe region, former and current Partners-in-Mission (PIM), and CWM staff members.

The gathering provided a rich opportunity to remember and commemorate former missionaries and partners and the work they have done. Missionaries, past and present, enjoyed moments of sharing and fellowship.

The gathering opened with a service at the local Welsh Chapel in Borough. Rev. Dr Minwoo Oh, a current PIM with CWM, gave a reflection from the Gospel of Mark, after which lunch and a tour of the London office followed, giving the participants a glimpse into a day in the life of a CWM employee.

The visitors then shared and reminisced about their past experiences and engaged in an in-depth discussion on the future of CWM and how much more can be done to realise the organisational vision of fostering life-flourishing communities across the world.

Representing CWM was Rev. Julie Sim, Mission Secretary for Mission Programme and Partnership, and the East and South Asian Regions.

Speaking to a roomful of missionaries, both young and old, who recognised that they have yet still more to contribute, Sim commended them for their faithful service, and also reiterated the CWM missiological outlook as one that continues to value partnerships and the sharing of resources and experiences as it brings hope and life in abundance to vulnerable communities.


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