CWM Mission Support Programme deepens collaboration with European churches

by Cheon Young Cheol

The Mission Support Programme unit of the Council for World Mission (CWM) recently embarked on a visit from 15-25 September to the five member churches located in the Europe region.

The churches visited were the Congregational Federation, Presbyterian Church of Wales, Protestant Church in the Netherlands, Union of Welsh Independents, and United Reformed Church. Located in Nottingham, Cardiff, Utrecht, Swansea, and London respectively, the churches form a valuable link and serve as contact points for CWM’s missional programmes in the region.

The visit was also an opportunity church leaders to meet with the Mission Support Programme team, including Rev. Julie Sim, CWM Mission Secretary for Mission Programme and Partnership; and Stephen Chia, Mission Support Programme Project Manager.

“The trip was a much-needed one that allowed CWM to fully engage with our European churches on the ground and listen and learn from their varied, local contexts. Doing so will only serve to improve our capabilities to to provide support and accompaniment to these member churches,” explained Chia.

One of the key objectives of the visit was to establish a channel of clear communication with the five member churches and provide a platform for them to better understand the work of CWM related to mission support while also enabling the Mission Support Programme delegation to receive updates on the ongoing projects with which the churches have been engaging.

Member churches offered suggestions for various upcoming CWM mission programmes and gave input on areas of collaboration such as the Partners-in-Mission programme.

European member churches shared their many challenges, including difficulties in engaging local educational institutions reluctant to work with faith-based entities, aging congregations and ministerial staff, possible human resource exchanges, and matters pertaining to outreach and the development of new ways to “do church.”

“Through our various meetings, we have consistently communicated to our member churches that no church is too big to receive nor too small to contribute,” said Sim, who also introduced the “50 Mission Stories by 2027” project being organised in celebration of CWM’s 50th anniversary. CWM will invite member churches to share impactful mission stories through any media type including but not limited to text, podcasts, or videos.

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