Friday, 15 March 2019
Council for World Mission (CWM) shares the pain and grief of the people of New Zealand in this time of unprecedented tragedy in that country. There can be no way to explain away this act of terror that took place in two Christchurch Mosques and other locations, leaving some 49 persons dead and many more injured.
We pray for New Zealand community and particularly, the people of Christchurch; comfort and peace for those who have lost their loved ones and those dislocated on account of this attack; and strength and courage for everyone to rise above this horror and claim hope as God’s gift for a formidable future.
The world in which we live is in turmoil. Hate crimes are on the rise. Unless we act decisively and in solidarity to rid society of this scourge, no one will be safe and God’s beautiful creation will continue to disintegrate until it is totally destroyed.
CWM calls for prayer from everywhere for peace in the world, positive regard for one another and the courage to rise above hate and revenge. We plead with policy makers and law enforcers to do all within the law to stem crime and violence and to foster an environment of goodwill among all peoples; and to embrace the diversity that defines and enriches us. We commit ourselves, as an international mission organisation, to playing our part in advocating for justice and peace and to building life-affirming communities, where all may experience a sense of belonging.
May the soul of those who have died rest in peace, the injured restored and healed and the perpetrators brought to account.