As WCRC guest, CWM Moderator exhorts unity in an uncertain world

by Cheon Young Cheol

CWM Moderator Rt Rev. Lydia Neshangwe, as an ecumenical guest to the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) Executive Committee meeting, reflected on how the church is at a crossroads in a volatile and uncertain world.

The meeting was held from 18-22 May at Calvin University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, where the WCRC was established in 2010.

The gathering precedes the upcoming WCRC 27th General Council that will take place on 14–23 October 2025, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, under the theme, “Persevere in Your Witness.”

The General Council serves as a platform where WCRC members come together to give regional reports, and share stories showcasing local contexts and challenges while collectively discerning and crafting responses to global trends that create injustices and deny life.

Speaking to the gathered members of the Executive Committee, Neshangwe brought greetings from CWM. She also took the opportunity to highlight two areas of commonality between both organisations – that of operating in a “VUCA” world and the current season of preparing for their own assemblies.

Reaping fruits of collaboration

“VUCA is an acronym that was coined years ago to describe that we are operating in conditions of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity,” explained Neshangwe.

“Even though we are the church,” said Neshangwe, “the ‘Volatility’ factor of our politics and politicians is at such high levels that anything is possible, anywhere, any day, and by anyone.”

She also added that Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguities brought on by the various environs of business, technology, various cultures, and religions have led to a myriad of both blessings and curses and left the church at a crossroads, unsure “as to even how to do church.”

Neshangwe applauded the decision that led CWM and WCRC to form a global partnership that illustrates the importance of integration and cooperation. The partnership between the CWM and the WCRC was cemented in a recent memorandum of understanding—one that she described as a shining example of “the benefits of collaboration and not competition.”

Assembly modes

Neshangwe also identified the season in which both organisations find themselves—that of preparing for their own distinctive assemblies, with CWM holding its Assembly during June in Durban, and the WCRC ramping towards its General Council next year.

“We are both in assembly mode, and we both understand the importance of bringing our members together in community,” said Neshangwe.

Expressing once again CWM’s appreciation of the friendship found in WCRC, Neshangwe proffered a heartfelt affirmation of the WCRC vision.

“CWM wishes to also remind WCRC [of its] vision of ‘Called to Communion, Committed to Justice’ and to affirm it,” declared Neshangwe.

“Not only is it a catchy vision, but also a powerful and meaningful one that should continue to drive your work and mission. May God bless this meeting of the Executive Committee and may your work produce fruit and blessings to the world around you.”


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