Visit to Presbyterian Church of Myanmar, 20-24 March 2016

by CWM

Accompanying our member churches in their journey towards better financial management is part of CWM’s commitment in partnering them in building missional congregations.  Hence, at the request and invitation of the General Secretary of Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM), Veronica (CWM’s Deputy General Secretary for Finance & Administration) and Christina (CWM’s Account Executive) made a short trip to Myanmar 20-24 March, 2016.  The objective was to help PCM set up the accounting software “Quickbooks” and to also provide general guidance in maintaining good financial system and procedures.

Over two full days, they sat down with the accountants from PCM General Assembly office, the Tahan Theological College (TTC) and nearby Synods, guiding them on step-by-step implementation of the Quickbooks accounting software and sharing best practices for financial procedures. The enthusiasm and eagerness of the leadership and participants in learning and improving their account systems and procedures was a great encouragement.

After the training sessions, a short visit was made to TTC to meet with academic staff of the College and to view two of the buildings which CWM has funded.

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